Two books, two stories of healing from trauma

Recently, I had too much free time and I was going through books like crazy. One of the topics that I keep on coming back is trauma. I guess it’s natural when you mix a bookworm with a less-than-ideal childhood. There aren’t that many worth-reading books but once in a while, I do manage to find a good nugget in the tall pile of shite of self-help books. This is a reflection on two of them. Continue reading Two books, two stories of healing from trauma

One feminist book at a time

For the longest, I have been the oddball in the room. I was a very vocal, inquisitive girl in a very conservative society. I went into business and the world of technology. I am always one of the few women in the room or even in the company. There were plenty of spaces where I was alone. It is challenging and my way of dealing with challenges is through reading and education. So, I read quite a few books and here are some of my favorites on being a woman in a world designed by men. Continue reading One feminist book at a time

36 moments and no more

If you could capture 36 moments, what would you choose? That’s the question I try to answer every time I pick up my film camera. It forces me to choose which moments are truly important and worthy of living forever and what is more of the society induced ‘pic or didn’t happen’ instinct. It makes every choice just slightly more intentional and the final result (even if not so good) always has a bit more soul. Continue reading 36 moments and no more