Analog: maybe different, maybe slower

While I love technology and couldn’t be more excited about what it is bringing, the world is just a little bit too busy and hectic for me. So, I want to explore at a slightly slower pace, maybe a bit old-school and just slightly analog.

Latest journeys

  • Finding the heroes: stories that changed me
    Four heroes, four stories, four lessons. They changed me and continuously challenge and teach me to be better. What are your heroes?
  • What does it mean to walk away?
    How do you leave when your stay is overdue? How do you stay when you would rather leave not even knowing the destitation? How to you battle the fear? I am exploring challenges of walking away here.
  • Building my village: a lesson in vulnerability
    There is nothing scarier than opening up and building your village. It took me years to understand that but is a continuous box of surprises, love and care for me. I absolutely adore my village and couldn’t be me without them. And this is an ode to them.
  • Two books, two stories of healing from trauma
    Recently, I had too much free time and I was going through books like crazy. One of the topics that I keep on coming back is trauma. I guess it’s natural when you mix a bookworm with a less-than-ideal childhood. There aren’t that many worth-reading books but once in a while, I do manage to find a good nugget in the tall pile of shite of self-help books. This is a reflection on two of them.
  • Christmas – more than a feeling
    With Christmas only six weeks away and me busy with the preparations for them, here is a short love letter to the holidays, a few worries about the preparations and a reminder that it can be whatever you choose it to be.
  • The ode to art museums that I loved
    I unexpectedly and slowly fell in love with (contemporary) art. So, much that they became a part of the usual routine when traveling. So, I figure I will put together a list of the museums and creators that I discovered and loved over the years. Maybe you (will) enjoy them, too.
  • The Life Cycle: Journey Through Andes and Our Relationship With Environment
    “The Life Cycle” narrates an 8000-mile cycling adventure through the Andes. It challenged my view on the environment(-alism), it inspired me and made me long for the days on the road. I absolutely loved it and here are my two cents why.
  • What happens when the American dream meets reality?
    Amid savoring a culture of arts and vast nature’s whispers, you collide with the reality of over-consumption and stark social divides. Soaked in contrasting hopes and despair, you wrap up your journey having tasted, not gulped, the American Dream. And you’re left wanting… sort of.
  • Learning to be bold when taught to be quiet
    Growing up when being told to be quiet and calm to succeed and facing reality of having to be bold is a tough pill to take. And yet, I am trying to learn, I am trying to be brave. I am trying to grow up.
  • Building a routine and constantly failing
    With adulthood comes obligations. Most of them are pushed on us instead of chosen by us. Nonetheless, we try to navigate that, build healthy habits and routines. We fail more often than not. So, why is it so difficult to stick to our promises and our dreams of ourselves? Overall, do we know who we are?
  • Exploring a country while exploring friendship
    As an expat, I ended up living faraway from my closest friends. When I am back, I get to see them for few hours but it’s never enough. So, we started traveling together. Which also means traveling through our friendship. Which ended up being extremely rewarding and challenging at the same time.
  • North Macedonia: a place between mountains, histories and changes
    We recently traveled through North Macedonia. When going there, I expected nothing. Coming out, I got plenty of food for though. It’s a wonderful blend of cultures, histories and everything is sprinkled with mountains. For this one for more ponderings.