Play as if you are five

When we are children, it’s so easy to play and go on imaginary or not adventures. But bit by bit we shed our sense of adventure, imagination, and even laughter. We play less and less to the point where it becomes such a distant memory that we started viewing silliness as odd and immature. However, we spend so much time learning to be serious, responsible adults that we forget what it means to laugh loudly and actually enjoy the joy of play. There is even this thing called Humor Cliff – a life-long journey of us forgetting what laughter means until we are old and realize we were overly concerned with daily life and mundane worries and there is actually space for jokes, pranks, play and adventures. Continue reading Play as if you are five

Dancing my life away

I am slowly growing into my skin and dancing is my fast-forward button for it. I am naturally anxious, and I find it challenging to remember that I can just be me – the quirky, nerdy, kind, funny, childish, bossy, smart me. And it’s not up to society to define who I should be. One of the few moments when I manage to do it is when I am dancing in my living room, forests, empty streets; basically, where others can’t judge me because I am still a chicken 🙂 Continue reading Dancing my life away